söm co-space

Client / Omgivning

Area / Chinatown, Los Angeles

Status / Complete

Type / Office, Mixed Use, Interiors

Omgivning embarked on its most exciting and personal project to date: a small mixed-use development project in which they are the developers for the new Omgivning headquarters.

This office is shared as an industry-based co-working company. Follow the link if you're interested in becoming a member.

Interesting in working at söm? Follow the link here for more information like the spaces offered and pricing.

söm co-space

söm co-space

Omgivning embarked on its most exciting and personal project to date: a small mixed-use development project in which they are the developers for the new Omgivning headquarters. 
This office is shared as an industry-based co-working company. Follow the link if you're interested in becoming a member. <br><br>

Interesting in working at söm? Follow the link [here](https://www.somcospace.com) for more information like the spaces offered and pricing. 
##  [*söm co-space*](https://somcospace.com "som co-space website")

Owner / Omgivning

Location / Chinatown, Los Angeles

Status / Complete

Type / Office, Mixed Use, Interiors

Omgivning embarked on its most exciting and personal project to date: a small mixed-use development project in which they are the developers for the new Omgivning headquarters.

This office is shared as an industry-based co-working company. Follow the link if you're interested in becoming a member.

Interesting in working at söm? Follow the link here for more information like the spaces offered and pricing.

söm co-space


Uncovering Potential in Background Buildings

Located in North Chinatown, Omgivning revitalized a seemingly nondescript building, embodying the principles that have guided their work for the last 14 years: interconnectedness, sustainability, and human-centered design. It allows Omgivning to do what they do best, uncover potential, this time for themselves.

An essential design decision was the desire for a connection to nature and the embrace of biophilia in the new space. The team “listened to the building” and knew it would benefit immensely by carving into it and enlarging windows on the east and south sides for more daylight. The design of a lush and vibrant garden is quickly becoming a favorite spot with indoor/outdoor options for working and meeting.

Watch the video of the transformation from construction to completion


Launch of söm co-space

The culmination of Omgivning's visionary design approach is söm—a testament to re-imagined spaces and thoughtful integration. Rooted in community engagement and a commitment to revitalization, söm embodies a transformation where repurposed materials breathe new life into a space fostering collaboration and innovation. With its intentional design elements amplifying natural light and connections to the surrounding urban landscape, söm stands as a vibrant hub, redefining the office experience.

If you’re interested in working at söm, desks, meetings, and offices are available for rent. Email us at som@omgivning.com.

Go to www.somcospace.com for more details.